
In the Event of a Water Emergency, Dial 911.

We are an all volunteer emergency squad that can be dispatched from Hunterdon County Communications in Hunterdon County, New Jersey.

If you are in Hunterdon County New Jersey please dial 911 for emergency services.

If you are in a water related emergency and not in Hunterdon County, please dial 911 within your county.

For an on-going operation out of county or outside New Jersey that may require our services, please contact the Hunterdon County Dispatch non-emergency number at 908-788-1202 and ask to be contacted by an officer from Station 68 Rescue - The Garden State Underwater Recovery Unit.

Classic watches
The Garden State Underwater Recovery Unit
160 York Road
P.O. Box 404
Milford, New Jersey 08848-1210
(908) 995-2022